Reflect on 2024 & 2025 Challenges 


The New Year is the perfect time to pause, reflect, and reset. It's an opportunity to clear your mind and focus on the journey ahead. 

Take a moment to look back on 2024. What did you achieve? How did you grow? 

If it was a tough or challenging year and you managed to persevere, congratulations! That’s a huge accomplishment. Give yourself the credit you deserve—you’re likely stronger than you realize. Be proud of the resilience you’ve shown. 

If 2024 was a year of successes, that’s fantastic! Did you accomplish the goals you set for yourself? We’d love to hear about your proudest moments—leave a comment and share your story (don’t worry, your email address won’t be published). 

On a personal note, one of my biggest achievements in 2024 was cycling 6,000 miles (9,600 km) 🚴‍♀️—a milestone I’m incredibly proud of! In fact, I probably didn’t even drive that far in my car this year! πŸ˜‚ 

Some standout highlights from my journey include: completing the 100-mile London Ride in memory of a dear friend; cycling the Way of the Roses with great friends; experiencing Sail, Cycle, Croatia 2024 πŸ‡­πŸ‡· with two amazing ladies in September; and my unforgettable adventure cycling from Porto to Faro, Portugal at the end of October. 



What’s on your agenda for 2025? Hopefully, you’re setting yourself a goal that pushes you just beyond your comfort zone, yet feels achievable. Remember to celebrate your milestones along the way!

The specific goal doesn’t matter—it could be anything. What truly matters is that it’s meaningful to you and something you genuinely enjoy.

Take my nephew Sam, for example—he’s gearing up for his first ever Manchester Marathon, and I couldn’t be prouder! A dear friend of mine is running the London Marathon, having qualified for it through her impressive "Good for Age" performance—Tracy, you’re an incredible runner! Then there’s Louise, another friend who’s both a steady golfer and an amazing artist—two talents I can only dream of having.

Whatever your passion or talent may be, embrace it wholeheartedly. Wishing everyone the best of luck on their journeys! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘



I have two thrilling goals lined up for 2025: cycling from Munich to Rome in June and taking on the Dart 10 km swim in September. Considering I haven’t been swimming for very long—and a 10 km swim is essentially the aquatic equivalent of a marathon—it’s bound to be an exciting challenge!

Here in the UK, the winter weather has been classic British fare: windy 🌬️, cold πŸ₯Ά, damp, rainy 🌧️, and occasionally shrouded in fog 🌫️. For now, it’s a mix of Zwift sessions and heading outdoors whenever the weather allows!

What about you? Do you have any big plans or challenges for 2025? I’d love to hear about them! πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ Feel free to leave a comment to share your goals and keep us updated on your progress. Don’t worry—your email address won’t be published! 😊


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2 months ago

Wow, what an amazing year Wendy! You really do inspire so many people with your words, achievements and goals.

6,000 miles that is very impressive! I have loved your blog and reading about your adventures as well as a bit of culture. My two favourite reads were your Croatia trip (all that rain gosh) and your trip to Portugal.

The Munich to Rome sounds incredible so I will keep an eye out for your blog and check you out with the 10km
Swim! Very impressive.

My achievements;
I ran my first marathon in Manchester this year and although I was short of my target by a few mins I learnt so much about myself and what not to do. I could not have done it without Tracy. I am looking forward to doing Manchester marathon in 2025 hopefully with much better results with the prep I am putting in now. I also completed a few half marathons and got PB’s on each one so it was good to see an improvement on my time as the year progressed.

Work wise I launched a new Performance and Talent framework across our business, and had buy-in and support from our managing director and it has proved successful so far. Looking forward to making improvements as we roll into 2025.

Thank you Wendy!

2 months ago


Thank you for your lovely comments, you are so kind😊 .

I love that you are redoing the Manchester Marathon again, a marathon is such a huge achievement and you have to be strong mentally as well as physically.

The Talent Framework sounds truly amazing, and getting support and buy-in from the top of an organisation is not always easy, so huge kudos πŸ‘ What an amazing initiative!

Please come back and tell us how you get along with both the Framework and the Marathon.

2 months ago

What a cracking year Wendy. You should be so proud of yourself. Excited to follow your journey to the 10k swim. Great goal. And Munich to Rome sounds amazing. For me it’s been a year of keeping cycling and running steady whilst focusing on bucket list items- New Zealand and Greenland being 2 and the other biggy was getting my Yachtmaster Offshore qualification. I hope to reverse the tide for 2025. Spend more time at home and really up the anti with my cycling and do more running events. Be fun checking in this time next year!

2 months ago


Thank you for commenting 😊 New Zealand & Greenland opposite sides of the world quite literally😲 .

I must profess ignorance and say that I didn't know what an Yacht Master Offshore Qualification was until I googled it. It looks a tough ask, amongst other requirements are 16 weeks training, 70 days afloat, 2,500 tidal miles.......and that's just for starters 😲

Doing all that whilst trying to stay stead on cycling and running sounds like a lot to take on. Good luck and tell us how you get along.

2 months ago

Wow - you've done some fab rides this year! I've not done anything like as spectacular, but highlights include 2 rides I was encouraged to sign up for by friends, Ride London and Beyond the Dyke, a 210 km audax (my first audax!).

While I managed over 6,000 miles, I fell short of my highest annual total. I also had to cancel a cycling holiday and a RAFA ride. All because I lost 5 weeks when I was injured when I was knocked off my bike (which was written off).

My target for next year? Simply to enjoy my cycling, wherever I go!

2 months ago

Ben, Thank you for taking the time to comment, they are all very much appreciated. Really sorry to here about your accident. I sincerely hope you are fully recovered!

Ride London is an amazing experience. A 205 km Audax sounds like hard work, that's approx 127/128 miles if my maths is correct😲 . I take my hat off to you, that must have been hard work.

The best sort of cycling is the enjoyable sort preferably with friends 😊