Pizza 🍕 last night was lovely, lots of carbs in prep for today, all washed down with Perrier Water. Cutting out wine to avoid dehydration has made a huge difference, a nice glass with a meal whilst on your holibobs is lovely, but with this much cycling for me Wine has been a no go area & I have to say I feel so much better for it.

On the bright side I have lost some weight, I’m now just under my target weight 😁 However if I lie on a beach anytime soon the tan is going look odd (I say tan, more tomato coloured really) I have white feet & hands, with a line between my shoulders & elbows and one across my thighs …..


Today was an OMG pedal slowly and take in the view sort of day, words cannot describe the enormity, vastness and beauty of this place, it’s 2nd only to the Grand Canyon (which is epic) this place is stunning.


For me the only way to see the Gorge de Verdon is on a bike, although it’s a blooming big hill to get here (a mini Ventoux ) but so worth it. We cycled thru clouds butterflies, we saw birds of prey circling on the thermals, smelt the pine of the trees as the mist rose after yesterdays rain.


So Superb I am running out of adjectives. Lunch was delicious, followed by more fab sights and aquamarine water. Last day tomorrow so Nice here we come. Because I can’t find the right words, I can only describe it with a few photos and if you can, come and see it for yourself (preferably on a bike)


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